Coronavirus RTL TV Coverage of our Products


AIRsteril products have been a key part in the drive to reopen many businesses, here Carl de Moncharline, responsible for the nightlife sector within FEDCAF (Belgium Federation that defends the interests of cafes and the catering sector), discusses “the forgotten night world”.

You can view full RTL TV coverage by clicking here.

With regard to AIRsteril and Coronavirus, please see this article by independent microbiologist Dr D Webber.

Unfortunately there is a lot of misleading information with regard to Coronavirus (Covid-19), as we understand by far the best advice is to wash hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, only cough or sneeze into a tissue which is immediately disposed of, and try to avoid contact with people who are unwell.

Please check the below NHS and PHE websites for additional/more detailed information: